Bankruptcy Stew

Course : Stews
Serves: 8
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2 pounds lean beef round steak -- boneless

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup tomato sauce

4 large potatoes -- peeled, cubed

1 medium green bell pepper -- slice thinly

1 rib celery -- chopped

1 medium yellow onion -- sliced thin

3 medium carrots -- peeled and sliced

1 sprig fresh parsley =or=-

1 tablespoon dry parsley

1 piece bay leaf

Preparation / Directions:

Cut round steak into 1-inch cubes. Brown beef cubes over high heat in a nonstick skillet. Add the rest of the ingredients to the skillet. Cover and simmer for 1 hour over medium heat until the meat is tender. 8 servings

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