Barley, Potato And Amaranth Stew

Course : Stews
Serves: 6
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1 1/2 cups barley

1 large potato -- peel, chop into bite size pieces

1/2 cup amaranth

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder -- or to taste

1 tablespoon parsley -- or to taste

1/2 teaspoon oregano -- or to taste

1/2 teaspoon marjoram -- or to taste

2 cups water -- to cover, keep adding water as necessary

1 cup corn -- frozen

1/2 medium Onion -- to taste

Preparation / Directions:

Tossed everything in the crockpot and started it on low. Added water as necessary to make it thick like a stew. I added a bit of salt at the end after I had put it in my bowl. Had this with cracked wheat bread...what a great meal!!

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